The harm reduction and information point “Be Safe Lab” has visited 3 music festivals in 2017: “Supynes” festival (June 30 – July 2), “YAGA gathering” (August 3-7) and “LOFTAS Fest” (September 8-9). The participants, who have visited the “Be Safe Lab”, were able to receive professional consultations about the risks and effects of psychoactive substances, safe sex, estimate their blood alcohol content and get a rapid HIV test. Education and support instead of punishment and threatening – this is a guiding principle of the “Be Safe Lab”. In 2018, together with The Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department and other partners, “Be Safe Lab” initiative will be organized in 4 music festivals: SUPYNES, YAGA GATHERING, RADISTAI VILLAGE and LOFTAS FEST.





GSK project title simple“HIV Challenge: Bridging the Gaps in Lithuania” is a new advocacy plan, implemented together with “GlaxoSmithKline Lietuva” since September 2017. This project is aimed at sustainability of HIV testing and therapy as well as stigma reduction among vulnerable groups, experts and society. With the help of active advocacy actions, the sustainable funding for rapid HIV testing and linkage to care could ensure an early diagnosis and access to treatment, while HIV stigma reduction and awareness raising determines the equality of human rights. This project will also reach the vulnerable groups of people and will involve them into the project actions through focus groups and PLHIV Stigma Index research, which will be implemented according to the “GNP+” methodology.


Drug Policy Impact Assessment for Change in Central and Eastern Europe

EU flag logo mazasThe project was managed by The Eurasian Harm Reduction Network and implemented together with international partners: The Rights Reporter Foundation (Hungary), Support centre for those affected by HIV/AIDS DIA+LOGS  (Latvia) and National Institute for Health Development, Infectious Diseases and Drug Abuse Prevention Department (Estonia). The project aimed to support the creation or use existing national communication platforms in Baltic countries between legislators, law enforcement bodies, public health, public safety experts, and the civil society to work on: drug policy evaluation, exchange of best practices and promotion of transparent and evidence-base decision-making for national drug policies in Baltic states (and to be used as a model for the CEE region).


Regional program “Harm Reduction Works – Fund It!”

FundItLogoThe Regional program “Harm Reduction Works – Fund It!” is a 3-year (April 2014 – March 2017), managed by The Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) and funded by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The Program began on 1 April 2014 and now is being carried out in 6 countries: Belarus, Georgia,  Lithuania, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. In each country, EHRN is collaborating with non-governmental organizations as Sub-recipients (The Coalition “I Can Live” in Lithuania) and with drug users organizations/action groups selected through the small grant program (Sub-sub-recipients, such as “Resetas” and “Rigra” in Lithuania).


.Enhancement of Advocacy Skills of NGOs to Effectively Influence the Policy Making Process       

advokacija_logo_pozityvas_spThe project proposes to strengthen advocacy knowledge and skills for the selected NGO representatives with the goal of enabling them to participate in and influence public policy in the field of social development and rights. The project will fulfill the terms of references provided by the Funder and will prepare a detailed curriculum for a series of 3 capacity building trainings; conduct the training workshops in order to significantly enhance the participants‘ knowledge of and modern methods related to advocacy, fact based lobbying and awareness raising; develop a toolbox on advocacy and make it operational and accessible for NGOs through a dedicated website.



“Securing services to people affected by HIV/AIDS (including injecting drug users) and protection of their rights”
“I Can Live” Coalition has started to implement the Project “Securing services to people affected by HIV/AIDS (including injecting drug users) and protection of their rights”, which is funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2009-2014 NGO Program in Lithuania.

Advocacy of pharmacotherapy with methadone and needle and syringe exchange programs
Since March 2011, “I Can Live” Coalition has been implementing the project “Advocacy of pharmacotherapy with methadone and needle and syringe exchange programs”.

Strengthening the role of youth in shaping drug policy and its implementation – continued
Since June 2011,  “I Can Live” Coalition in cooperation with the newly elected Lithuanian Pupils Parliament has been continuing the Project “Strengthening the role of youth in shaping drug policy and its implementation”.

Legal Assistance to People Who Use Drugs.

Shaping of policy in the area of dual epidemic of TB and HIV (2nd part of the project on integrated monitoring of treatment for TB and HIV).

Enhancement of primary and secondary HIV prevention among released from places of detention on the local level.

“Strengthening the role of youth in shaping drug policy and its implementation”.

STEPS – Strengthening Engagement in Public Health Research.